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Anthony Foster, Chancellor of the University of Essex, UK, visited Northwest University

On the morning of January 15th, Professor Anthony Foster, Chancellor of the University of Essex, visited Northwest University. Sun Qingwei, Vice President (presiding over the administrative work), attended the discussion, and the relevant officials in charge of the Academic Affairs Office, the Office of International Cooperation, the School of Information Science and Technology, and the School of Economics and Management participated in the meeting. Vice President Cao Rong hosted the discussion.

Sun Qingwei mentioned that over the past nine years, the two universities have established a deep friendship with each other by continuously consolidating the foundation of cooperation and broadening the field of cooperation. He pointed out that NWU has always taken Go Global as an important development strategy, and will implement the International Exchange and Integration Promotion Action to increase the strength of internationalization and promote the high-quality development of Chinese-foreign collaborative educational programs. He hoped that the two universities would summarize the cooperation experience, consolidate the effectiveness of school operation, improve the quality of the program, build a high-level demonstration zone for Chinese-foreign collaborative educational programs, cultivate professionals with innovative thinking and international vision, and make greater contributions to the inheritance of human civilization and the promotion of social progress.

Foster said that this trip is his seventh visit to Northwest University since he became Chancellor, and Northwest University is a very important partner of the University of Essex. The cooperation between the two universities in organizing an undergraduate Chinese-foreign collaborative educational programs in electronic information science and technology is of great significance to the internationalization of the University of Essex. Based on the cooperative education program, the two universities have expanded inter-university exchanges and cooperation programs such as joint cultivation, scientific research cooperation, exchanges and visits in the field of economics, management, language, life sciences and other disciplines,. He hoped that in the future, the two universities could explore exchanges and cooperation in artificial intelligence, new energy, philosophy, health care and other disciplines, innovate the mode of cooperation, and realize complementary advantages and common development.

During the meeting, the person in charge of the School of Information Science and Technology reported the achievements of the collaborative educational programs and the future cooperation plan, and the person in charge of the Office of International Cooperation reported the cooperation and exchange between the two universities briefly. In the exchange session, both sides carried out exchanges and discussions on topics such as improving the quality of the collaborative educational programs and how to deepen the future mutually beneficial cooperation.