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Sun Qingwei Attends the China-Uzbekistan Forum on Cooperation between 100 Universities and Signs Cooperation Agreement

On January 22nd, the China-Uzbekistan Forum on Cooperation between 100 Universities, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan, was held in Beijing, with the theme of Mutual Learning and Mutual Understanding for a Win-Win Cooperation, Jointly Building the China-Uzbekistan Educational Community. Sun Qingwei, vice president (presiding over administrative work) of Northwest University, was invited to attend the Forum. Relevant persons in charge of Office of International Cooperation, Collaborative Research Center for Archaeology of the Silk Roads, School of Life Science and Medicine and representatives of international students attended the forum.

Chen Jie, Vice Minister of Education, and Karimov Kamyon Hamidovich, First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan, attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered speeches. Chen Jie said that this forum aims to implement the consensus of the leaders of the two nations, accumulate the educational achievements of the meeting of the leaders, and deepen the cooperation and exchanges between China and Uzbekistan in education. Karimov Kamiyon Hamidovich pointed out that Uzbekistan attaches great importance to educational cooperation with China, and hopes that through this forum, the two sides will further deepen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of higher education, scientific research and innovation. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan jointly issued the Beijing Declaration on China-Uzbekistan University Cooperation.

At the signing ceremony, Sun Qingwei and the Rector of Andijan Foreign Language Institute and the Rector of Fergana University signed the educational cooperation agreements respectively. According to the agreements, NWU will cooperate with the Andijan Foreign Language Institute in talent cultivation, teaching and research, scientific research cooperation, etc.; establish a joint department of archaeology between China and Uzbekistan with the Fergana University, and deepen the cooperation in the exchange of scientific researchers and mutual visits.

In the parallel forum of humanities, Prof. Wang Jianxin, Chief Scientist of the Collaborative Research Center for Archaeology of the Silk Roads and Head of Central Asia Archaeology Team of Northwest University, made a speech titled Talent Cultivation is a Hundred-Year and Thousand-Year Plan for Sino-Uzbekistan Friendship. During the forum, NWU also signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation with Termez State University, and held discussions with Tashkent State Oriental University and Bukhara State University on cooperation matters, laying a foundation for future educational cooperation.

Northwest University has a good foundation and conditions for educational cooperation with Uzbekistan universities. NWU will take this forum as an opportunity to further strengthen cooperation in the fields of personnel training, scientific research, language exchange, and teacher-student exchanges, and to expand the depth and breadth of cooperation, so as to jointly create a new situation of educational cooperation between the two countries.