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Academic Forum on “Worshiping the Huangdi Mausoleum and Constructing Modern Chinese Civilization” was Held

On April 2, the academic forum Worshiping the Huangdi Mausoleum and Constructing Modern Chinese Civilization co-sponsored by Northwest University and the Huangdi Mausoleum Foundation, was held in Xian, Shaanxi Province. Over 60 scholars from mainland China and Taiwan participated in in-depth discussions and exchanges on three themes: the Huangdi and Huangdi culture, cultural inheritance and innovation, and the development of Chinese civilization.

Attending and speaking at the forum were Xu Mingfei, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province; Bai Aying, Chairman of the Huangdi Mausoleum Foundation; Gan Hui, Chairman of the Shaanxi Federation of Social Sciences; and Sun Qingwei, Vice President (presiding administrative work) of Northwest University. The opening ceremony of the academic forum was presided over by Wu Zhenlei, Vice President of Northwest University.

Guided by Xi Jinpings cultural thought, this academic forum focused on Huangdi culture, connecting ancient and modern, East and West. It highlighted the continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peaceful nature of excellent traditional Chinese culture. The forum aimed to promote the process of cultural construction in Chinese-style modernization through traditional cultural research, showcasing the cultural landscape with Chinese characteristics, Chinese demeanor, and Chinese style to the world. It aspired to make a positive contribution to realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and consolidating the consciousness of a community with a shared future for mankind.

At the opening ceremony, the second Huangdi Culture Research Achievement Award was presented. A total of 15 achievements were awarded, with leaders and guests presenting trophies and certificates to the recipients.

During the group discussions, participating experts and scholars exchanged views on the three themes: The Huangdi and Huangdi Culture,”“Cultural Inheritance and Innovation, and Development of Chinese Civilization. Following the group discussions, some scholars made keynote presentations focusing on the theme Huangdi Culture and Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture.

The Huangdi is considered the humanistic ancestor of the Chinese nation. The attending experts and scholars centered their discussions on Huangdi culture and Chinese civilization, exploring the development of Chinese civilization influenced by Huangdi culture, the process of cultural exchange and mutual learning, and its insights. They analyzed the achievements, characteristics, and value of Chinese scholars inheritance and development of Huangdi culture throughout history, revealing its unique connotations and its value in the new era for talent cultivation and cultural undertakings.

This academic forums discussions on worshiping the Huangdi Mausoleum and building modern Chinese civilization will further deepen the research and exploration of the modern value of excellent traditional Chinese culture. It will invigorate national spirit, strengthen cultural confidence, and contribute to building modern Chinese civilization and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.