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First Shaanxi Provincial College Youth Science Camp-Northwest University Camp Opens

On July 23rd, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Shaanxi Provincial College Youth Science CampNorthwest University Camp" was held at Changan Campus. This program is sponsored by the Provincial Science Association, the Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Bureau of Rural Revitalization, and co-organized by Northwest University and the Exchange Center of Shaanxi Youth Science and Technology.

Li Pei, a teacher from Pingli County Middle School, Zhang Jingchen, a student from Chunhua Middle School, and Tang Haotian, a 2021 graduate student from the School of Journalism and Communication, spoke on behalf of the leading teachers, participating campers and volunteers, respectively.

On July 22nd, more than 150 high school campers, teachers and leaders from 8 cities (9 counties) of Shaanxi province arrived at Northwest University to start a 7-day college science and technology experience tour together. With the theme of Sailing from Northwest University and Dreaming into the Future", the activity will combine NWUs advantageous subject resources to let the campers experience the teaching style of the famous teachers and appreciate the charm of the frontier of science and technology in the form of forums and lectures of famous scientists; let the campers explore the mysteries of science and cultivate the spirit and practical ability of scientists through experiential scientific exploration; explore the history of the humanistic spirit and enhance the cultural confidence by exploring history. The campers will experience the cultural campus life through interesting cultural and sports activities and peer interaction.