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NWU Organizes a Training Course for International Conference Volunteers

On the morning of April 15th, the opening ceremony of the International Conference Volunteer Training Course of Northwest University was held in the Three Creative Spaces in the Student Activity Center of Changan Campus.

At the opening ceremony, Zhang Xiaoying, director of the Department of Cultural Heritage Exchange and Cooperation of the Provincial Heritage Bureau, introduced the current Genreal Assembly of Alliance for Cultural Heritage in Asia overall volunteer work related situation. Lv Jianrong, deputy chairman of the university committee council, awarded the flag of Northwest University International Conference Volunteer Service Team to the volunteer group representative. 80 volunteers took a collective oath at the meeting.

After the opening ceremony, Mr. Gong Guijun, former deputy of Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, gave the first lecture entitled Foreign Affairs Discipline and Foreign Affairs Etiquette to the volunteers. There are five sessions of training for volunteers for this international conference, covering foreign etiquette and precautions, volunteer management and discipline norms, general etiquette training for volunteers, general knowledge for volunteers, background introduction of the Alliance for Cultural Heritage in Asia, etc. Through the combination of theory and practice, volunteers theoretical knowledge, professionalism and service level will be improved in all aspects.

Zhang Xiaoying, director of the Department of Cultural Heritage Exchange and Cooperation of the Provincial Heritage Bureau

                                 Lv Jianrong, deputy chairman of the university committee council

                                 Mr. Gong Guijun, former deputy of Provincial Foreign Affairs Office