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The 2023 Sports and Culture Festival Athletic Sports Meeting was held

From April 19th to 22nd, the 2023 Sports and Culture Festival Athletic Meeting was held in the west sports complex of Changan Campus.

At the opening ceremony, guided by the national flag, the university flag and the school sports meeting flag, the bouquet square, the colorful flag square, the referee square, the faculty and student squads of each faculty (department) and the administrative squads entered. Each faculty and department combined their professional characteristics and by holding hand signs, banners and flags for display.

In the cultural performance session, more than a thousand teachers and students took turns to appear on stage. 375 students from the aerobics group gave an aerobics dance performance. Teachers from the faculty and staff art group performed a song and dance show Good Morning Long Hui, and students from TW street dance club performed four types of street dances, including hiphop, breaking, locking and popping. Two oil-powered aerobatic planes and two electric planes took off from the grass, making somersaults, rolls, cobra maneuvers, hovering cranes and other difficult moves in the air, which drew gasps and cheers from the teachers and students present.

In three days, more than 800 student athletes and 800 staff athletes competed in 68 events. One person broke one Shaanxi University Group A track and field record, one person broke one Northwest University track and field record, and seven people broke five Northwest University track and field records. The athletes competed with each other in the field, and showed the spirit of perseverance and progress of the students and faculty of NWU.

At the closing ceremony, President Guo Lihong, Deputy Secretary Lv Jianrong and Zhang Qing from the University Committee Council, Vice President Xi Jiami attended the closing ceremony and presented awards to the winning teachers and students. Guo Lihong announced the closing of the athletic games.