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NWU Co-hosts the Third China-Central Asia Think Tank Forum

From September 21st to 22nd, the third China-Central Asia Think Tank Forum, co-organized by Northwest University, was successfully held in Xian, utilizing a combination of online and offline formats. The forum was jointly hosted by the Institute of Russian, Eastern European, Central Asian Studies Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan, the Strategic Studies Institute of the President of Kyrgyzstan, the Strategic Studies Center of the President of Tajikistan, the International Relations Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, and the Institute of Strategic and Regional Studies of the President of Uzbekistan. The event was also undertaken by the Institute of Russian, Eastern European, Central Asian Studies Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Secretariat of the National High-End Think Tank Council of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the China-Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia Studies Association.

The China-Central Asia Think Tank Forum is one of the outcomes listed in the Outcome List of the China-Central Asia Forum and provides intellectual support for the China-Central Asia cooperation mechanism, implementing the outcomes of the China-Central Asia Forum. The theme of this years forum was Building a Closer  Community with a Shared future for China-Central Asia. Experts and scholars at the forum engaged in in-depth discussions on the construction of the building a closer  community with a shared future for China-Central Asia and the future development and cooperation between China and Central Asian countries.

The successful hosting of the forum provided an opportunity for think tank experts and scholars from China and the five Central Asian countries to have extensive face-to-face interactions and exchanges. It conveyed the friendly relations and close ties between China and the Central Asian countries, contributing intellectual strength to the construction of a closer China-Central Asia community of shared future.