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NWU Celebrates its 121st Anniversary with Grand Ceremony

On October 15th, our university held a grand ceremony to celebrate its 121st anniversary at the Changan Campus. The ceremony served as an occasion to review achievements, set clear goals, commend excellence, and inspire all faculty and students to strive forward and shoulder responsibilities. More than 500 people attended the ceremony, including alumni representatives, university leaders, faculty representatives, vice-deans and deans, department officials, and student representatives.

Alumni from our university were honored during the ceremony. Zhang Yanzhong, a 1962 graduate from the Department of Physics, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, an aerospace strategic scientist, and the Chief Designer of the C919 large aircraft independent project and Cui Peng, a 1982 graduate from the Department of Geography, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a natural geographer, and an expert in soil and water conservation, known as the first Debris Flow Academician, were both awarded with the 7th Outstanding Alumni Yulan (Magnolia) Award of Northwest University.

During the ceremony, leaders in attendance presented awards to the third batch of Huang Danian-style teacher teams at national and provincial levels, models of educating and nurturing students in Shaanxi province, and special-grade teachers in Shaanxi province. Long-serving staff members with over 30 years of dedication to education were presented with commemorative medals. Awards were also given to outstanding groups and individuals in terms of ethics and teaching demeanor, as well as awards in categories including teaching, research, talent, and basic education. Exceptional teachers and outstanding workers were recognized, and the gold prize of the 13th Challenge Cup National College Student Business Plan Competition was awarded.