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Northwest University was invited to attend the seminar on “The First Anniversary of China-Central Asia Summit: Achievements and Prospects of Cooperation between Shaanxi and Central Asia” and delivered a speech

On May 19th, a seminar on The First Anniversary of China-Central Asia Summit: Achievements and Prospects of Cooperation between Shaanxi and Central Asia was held in Xian Consulate District. Cao Rong, Vice President of NWU, was invited to attend the seminar and delivered a speech on behalf of the university.

Cao Rong introduced the important progress and achievements accomplished by NWU since the summit was successfully held one year ago, giving full play to the advantages of first-class disciplines, deepening and expanding joint archaeology outside China, building the China-Central Asia Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Human and Environment Research (Samarqand), the China-Uzebikstan International Joint Laboratory of Scientific and Technological Archaeology and  Cultural Heritage Protection, and preparing for the establishment of the Xian Base of International Center on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage under the Auspices of UNESCO, in-depth co-construction of the Collaborative Research Center for Archaeology of the Silk Roads and other important progress and achievements, as well as Northwest University Central Asia Archaeology Team was awarded the Workers Pioneer and a series of honors. She said that the university will rely on the platforms of Collaborative Research Center for Archaeology of the Silk Roads, Belt and Road University Think Tank Alliance, and China-Central Asia Think Tank Alliance to strengthen the communication, reach consensus, and achieve more substantive cooperation progress, so as to fully support the Belt and Road construction.